Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Top ten

A lot has happened in the past week and a half, and instead of typing up a bunch of paragraphs, I'm going to go top ten style.

1. I started back to work, and at day care our little guy has become known as the smiling kid with the beautiful blue eyes. :)
2. Micah turned 27 (yes, he is a younger than me!).
3.  Every night last week I helped out with Vacation Bible School at our church.  It was a huge success!
4.  Micah and I went on the first date since...we really can't remember!  A few months.  Thanks Megan for babysitting!
5.  I asked people at church to join me in writing foster children birthday cards and other letters throughout the year and 10 responded.  Yea!  Click here to find out more info, or contact me directly if you want to be involved!  It is through "The Forgotten Initiative."
6.  Tonight we had "back to school" night and I saw some of my students, one who is a sibling of a student I've had for the past two years.  Once you teach siblings, does that make you experienced...or old? ;)
7. Our little man has grown so much in the past week that he got a whole new wardrobe at Kohl's this afternoon...along with some books with plots cause we are kinda tired of reading "red apple...yellow bunny."  Seriously, why is the bunny pink? 
8..  Micah's dad came to help him work on the office he's been building in the basement, and it is SO CLOSE to moving our desks in there!  I can't wait to put down my rug and hang up pictures!
9.  I chased money as wind blew it around a parking lot.  True story.
10.  Little D started crawling from room to room!  Watch out!

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