Monday, September 30, 2013

Silas' Silly September Sayings

This has been quite a funny month.  Or maybe it's just that now I have the time to write down all the funny things he says...

Silas, talking about Bella: It's my doggie.
Me: It's our doggie.
Silas: Our doggie? I share my doggie you.

Silas, playing with toy saw: I cut wit saw. It's me job. And daddy job. 
Me: I can't do it?
Silas: No. You queen inside. 

Me: Are you doing more work or staying with me?
Silas: More work. I see you in a minute. 

Silas walked up to me and sprinkled imaginary dust on my stomach while saying, "pshhhh."  Then as he walked away, "For da baby.  Medicine."

Me: Silas, are you hungry?
Silas: Yeah.  I workin' all day! 
(He had helped Micah repair a down spout and was finishing helping him pressure wash the porch.)

Silas, at dinner, talking about daycare: MYYYY Gabby.  (They are known to be best buds, and he is protective of her.)
Me: Why is she your Gabby?
Silas: inquisitive look, thought for a moment, then shrugged shoulders

Silas: You work do today, daddy?  I wan' work wit' you! Work outside.

Me: Are you going to watch the Bears with daddy?
Silas: Yea. Homework. Daycare.

Silas, when reading/screaming himself to sleep - "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!!!!"

Silas: Get in it Bewuh.  Pwease?  I askin' you! (to get in a pile of pillows and clean laundry he had made)

Silas, when finishing up a bowl of ice cream: I eat it all gone. It in my yummy. I hungee. 

When watching football: They knock them all down!

Me: Did you have fun at church?
Silas: Yeah!
Me: What did you do?
Silas: I sing at church. 
Me: What did you sing?
Silas: Nothin'.

Me: Are you feeling better? Did your nose stop running?
Silas, inserting finger in right nostril and then pulling it out to look: "No in here."
Then, inserting finger in left nostril and pulling it out to look: "No in here. Yep!"

So grateful for my little guy!  Also, people have been asking if there is an adoption update.  It turns out that the although his paperwork had made it to the desk of a state adoption worker, that worker was not at her desk for three weeks - she was at a training instead.  But she got back a week ago, so maybe sometime soon? Once our caseworker hears that it is approved, she will schedule the first possible date that the courtroom has available, which is typically three weeks out, sometimes two.  The way I figure, each day brings us closer!  

Friday, September 20, 2013

Five years!

Happy five year anniversary to my wonderful husband Micah!

In honor of five years, here are five reasons I love you.

1.  You are patient, so patient.  
From all the times I change my mind about something, 
to getting up with our son three times last night!

2.  You seek wisdom to slowly make good decisions.
A perfect balance for my tendency to just 
make a choice and act on it right away.

3.  You have incredible work ethic.
And you are passing along this trait to Silas, 
who loves to "work" on projects with you!

4. You care for me, so much.
I am thankful for all the big and little things you do!

5.  You love Jesus, and it is so apparently seen through your servant's heart.
Thank you for leading by example.

Here's to many more years of laughter and cuddles...

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bed Rest

Today is day 19 of bed rest.  It started with a worried Saturday morning call to my doctor's cell, in which he told me to "rest, rest, rest." Three days later I went to see him, which resulted in an official order of bed rest. I am doing pretty well. Sometimes (like a few hours ago) I have short lived tears for things like a return phone call from a nurse saying that my Dr. will not give me permission to go to my massage therapist.  She said, "we can ask again in a few weeks if you are better."  I don't feel like I am doing poorly, but I guess I am on bed rest, and pain and soreness tire me pretty quickly.  Bed rest is significant, huh?  I don't want to think about that.  So I cried for maybe a minute and then filled my mind with something happy instead.  I have also cried because I wish I could be like many other pregnant women who can fill their "nesting" desire and go hop in the car and buy precious little things for their babe.  But then I remind myself that we are fine, I don't need to compare myself to others, I don't need to go out and spend money just because it is fun.  And I happen to know two grandmas who will be perfectly willing to shop for some onesies when this baby is born.  I have also really kind of mourned my extra time with Silas - we had such great talks on the way to and from day care and I miss them.  I believe he has been making up for it through extra hugs and kisses, and that is just pure joy!

Hmm.  I just realized that I told you in my last post that I don't like when people complain about being pregnant and I just did it.  I guess I shouldn't judge anyone. Can't fully understand anything until I have experienced it myself.  Also, I never understood what huge hormone changes can do!!!

BUT...most of the time I am not crying or feeling sorry for myself.  I have so much to be thankful for!  I am thankful for my husband and son, who bring me so much joy. I am thankful that wonderful people have signed up to bring us meals twice a week.  I am so grateful for this, because it is taking a huge load off Micah.  I also have four lovely ladies that are taking turns coming out on Thursday mornings to do laundry, clean my house, and visit.  They are totally saving us.  Again, a load off Micah.  There are many people who call, email, or visit, and who I can call to pick up random items from the store.  Family has been great about coming and helping with Silas so Micah can do things like cut down a giant tree in our yard, or take a much needed nap.  I am also thankful for my sweet cuddly dog who keeps me company every day. I am grateful for our really good insurance, and for my God-trusting doctor who is protective of me, and prays for me.  I am thankful for our small house, where everything is close by, and that the weather is nice and I can sit in our yard and watch Silas play.  I am thankful that I can listen to my pastor's sermons online, and that although I really miss going to church, I can now pause the sermon to take notes, and not miss out on something that he said.  I am thankful for my oh-so-wonderful bed, and my super-duper comforting snoogle pillow.  I am thankful for the extra medications that are keeping this baby safe, for the people that invented them, and my doctors that prescribe them.  It is amazing how choosing to be thankful is a huge mood-lifter.

I am also so very thankful that I am not walking those incredibly long school hallways.  That seems purely impossible at this point.  It has been very strange not to be at work.  I feel like I am in a different world, because I know my co-workers are busy and probably stressed out.  I am still reading school emails and know of the forms they are getting told to fill out, and the trainings they are attending, and know I will be a fair measure of "lost" when I do return.  But I can't worry about that, or how my students are doing.  I am tempted, and sometimes I just do worry.  But then that verse comes back to my mind - "A heart at peace brings life to the body."  It makes me recognize that worrying causes stress on my body, and I know that is not good.  I can't control not being at work.  My dad told me that my only job right now is to listen to my doctor and let this baby grow. He is right.

And this babe is giving me stronger and stronger kicks (Micah says it feels like a fist bump) to let me know that it is there, and that it is priority.  Such a great reminder, many times a day.  This is where I am supposed to be.  For such a time as this.

God has given us this miracle gift of a child, and I have been given the gift of resting until this baby is born.  So...that's where I am.  Some whining, some rejoicing, some gratefulness, some discomfort, and lots of hope for what is to come!