Thursday, August 8, 2013

It's truly a miracle.

This is the hardest post I have written. I have thought about it for weeks, and worked on it for days. It has brought out a lot of emotions and refreshed some sadness.  You would think it would be easy because I am sharing good news. However. I am extremely aware of how my good news can be extremely painful for someone else.  

We are pregnant!  It is truly a miracle. Every pregnancy and birth is a miracle. It is incredible how God designed our bodies and how he develops tiny beings before their mothers even know they are there. I find myself often saying, "it's a miracle" for more than one reason. For me it is a miracle of miracles because we have traveled the long painful road of infertility, one a person cannot possibly begin to grasp unless they have lived it. I have gone through many different types of pain and loss in my short 30 years but the pain of infertility is very different. The sadness cuts deep and makes you feel like you are not "whole" because your body is struggling to do what is natural for the majority of women. It can throw you into a whirlwind of emotions just by seeing a pregnant woman at a restaurant, or hearing someone complain about their kids, or worse yet, complain about being pregnant when you would give anything for your body to be capable of being pregnant. I will be honest.  I have been very jealous of people who get pregnant soon after trying. No surgeries, no series of ultrasounds to find out what is wrong, no medications three times a day to help with endometriosis or polycystic ovaries, no data keeping and trying to figure out if their body ovulates. 
If you are someone who simply "stops preventing" and lets it happen when it happens, you are truly blessed. I am not upset with you, I want to make that clear. God has blessed you with fertility, and no doubt you have other struggles in life. But if you are like me, and it takes months or years and much physical and emotional pain to get pregnant...well then, I understand. And I am already praying for you. Please feel free to talk with me anytime, for my heart aches for you. I know this post may bring you pain, but my prayer is that it can also bring you hope. God's timing is perfect and he will NEVER leave us or forsake us. He won't. He is with us through the pain and it can bring us closer to him. I thought God was teaching me to hope but I have learned the bigger lesson is that he wants me to trust him. With everything, not just pregnancy. Everything. Every day. All day. 

I praise him for this growing baby, and for bringing me closer to himself. I need that closeness with my savior. 

If you are interested in seeing more of my heart concerning infertility click on this link - How to Bless Your Friends Going Through Infertility, or this one, by my good friend Jessi, titled What Not to Say.  Both blogs share practical ways of how we can all be sensitive with our words and actions, because sometimes we just don’t know what can be hurtful.  I think they are definitely worthwhile reads.

If you would, please pray for me. I have experienced some of the reasons that I am labeled with "high risk pregnancy." It has been scary but totally worth it. I am trusting that God will develop and grow this baby until it can join us and live on its own.  For as I am learning, the best way to live is to trust. Worry does not help anything. My soul is so much more peaceful when I am trusting. The verse I have been thinking about every time I start to get upset is this: a heart at peace gives life to the body. Proverbs 14:30. 

So.  I feel like that is the touchiest thing I have ever posted.  I hope it doesn't hurt anyone.  I just want to paint a picture for you.  I am doing this, not just for myself, but for the many women around us who are quietly dealing with infertility.  Let's be aware, and let's be gentle. 

Now a couple fun things…

If you want to read the poem Micah and I wrote to share our surprise with our parents and siblings, click here.  We told them at week 8, and this Sunday I will be 14 weeks.

Here is some other BIG news.  Our caseworker just told me yesterday that Silas’ adoption paperwork has not only made it to the state, it is on a reviewer’s desk.  On their desk, people!  We are so close.   His adoption should be FINAL in only a few weeks!

Thanks for reading.

Grateful - how we told our parents and siblings


Thank you for walking what’s been a long road,
While seeds of trust in God we have sowed.
He has perfect timing, we know this is true.
All his promises we must cling tightly to.

For months Silas prayed, at meals and at night.
He asked for a baby, when my hope had lost sight.
God loves children’s prayers and he’s answered with yes,
With a baby our family it’s now time to bless.

So through this poem we announce life to you,
And now you all have a big job to do.
Please join us in prayer, each day if you will.
That God will guide doctors, this joy to fulfill.

You’ve always supported us our entire lives,
We’ll keep leaning on you ‘til this baby arrives.
Then the miracle will be here, for all to see,
Who God has brought our trusting family.

SS & MS 6-29-13