Friday, March 31, 2017

Spring Break on a Budget - Day 5

I just now (as in the few seconds before writing this) realized that my kids' love language is the same as mine - quality time.  I've been a mom for 6 years, and I'm just now making this connection.  We aren't doing anything spectacular this week, but we are spending time together.  I am often half watching them, half being productive for home or work.  Bad boundary...because there isn't one!  I want to be "all in" and really listen to them.  Today Silas showed me a vehicle he had made out of K'nex.  I could have said "cool" and moved on but I think God prompted me to ask questions about how it worked.  Silas' mind is so intriguing.  When he is building he is incredibly purposeful.  It was really enjoyable to take time to listen to his reasoning behind why he used certain pieces and what their functions were.  Feel free to keep me accountable in being tuned in to my children.  You have my permission to ask me the last time I played WITH them instead of watching them.  (I am definitely proud that they can play independently and I don't want to hover over them all the time, but I do want to be more intentional with them.)  Silas was so proud to answer my questions.  He even let me record him explaining some of what he built.

Anyway, here's what we did today...first we met friends at the Normal Public Library to play in the play area and do some crafts.

Then, unlike yesterday, we made it to Dairy Queen for lunch!  I forgot to take pics of them enjoying ice cream, but it definitely happened!

I love Sam's smile in this one!

We made this for my grandpa.  We were supposed to visit him in Quincy this week but he wasn't feeling well so we sent pictures instead.  Yes, I am trying to teach my son how to spell "love" and "you" correctly but he was so proud that I just let it go this time. :)

When Levi woke up from nap I got some pretty wonderful snuggles.

Then we got our K'nex tutorial from Silas.

We ended the day with dinner (their favorite, PB&J) and a movie - "Dolphin Tale."  
They were pretty excited about this simple treat!

The movie was really great, and the snuggles made it even better!

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