Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Spring Break on a Budget - Day 3

It was another fun day with my boys!  This morning we went to visit some friends, and got to meet their sweet newborn.  Three-way car races down the hallway proved to be fun!

Then this afternoon we made homemade play dough from this recipe.  If you want to try it, don't be like me, skim over the recipe, and assume that all dry ingredients should go in one bowl, and wet ingredients in the other.  I had to make a second batch because the first one was too crumbly.



This is the crumbly play dough that is created when you don't let the alum mix with boiling water!

Second try - Silas was excited that when you mix blue and green it makes 
a crayon color..."blue green"!  So funny... all these years I thought it was turquoise.


Levi started making tootsie rolls, so then Silas made a pan of tootsie rolls for dad, 
and gluten free donuts for me.  How thoughtful!

The day ended with breakfast for dinner.  My big helper cracked all six eggs by himself.  And we only had to fish out two small pieces of eggshell!

Today's cost: $4 for the alum to make play dough.  I think we will make it through the week for less than our $22 budget!

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