Friday, November 1, 2013

October Quotes - boogers, poop, and little boy sweetness!

Silas is always busy working.  Notice his cell phone 
clipped on his pocket, just like daddy wears his to work.
Love this kid!

Me: Why are you picking your nose?
Silas: 'Cause. There's boogie in it. 

Silas: I wan' to work outside.
Me: It's wet. 
Silas: I walk on the grass. 
Me: The grass is wet. 
Silas: I walk on my shoooooes!

Silas: I wan' ride on a train. 
Micah: We'll set that up sometime. 
Silas: Mommy want to go? She need feel better. 
Micah: Yes she would like to go after she has the baby.   
Silas: Mommy stay home. 
Micah: Yes, but not forever. 

Me: Are you done pooping?
Silas: No. It's a big one. Stand back!

I throw it (a ball) at the moon! (Then runs toward the moon but a tree blocks his view.) Oh no! It all gone!

When trying to zip his jacket: I figgin' it out!...No can do it. 

After getting dressed for church: Daddy! I lookin' coo!

I wipe off yours kiss. Please put it back on mom. 

Micah: What do you want to buy when you fill up your piggy bank?
Silas: Chicken nuggets!

Silas: I wan' to see yours baby.
Me: You have to wait until it's born.  It will be awhile.
Silas: It come out your throat? Like this? (We think that is great logic, since he knows that's how food gets to the baby!)
Me: No. The Dr. will take it out of my belly.
Silas: Why?
Me: It's already in my belly.  That's easier.
Silas: Oh...You need to take yours jacket off?
Me: Yes, I will.

Silas: (Pointing to himself and Micah) We boys. (Pointing to me) You guwl. 
Me: Do you think the baby is a girl or a boy?
Silas: A guwl. I hug him!

Silas, when pointing to a picture in a book: Twinkle star!
Me: That's an octopus. 

When telling me all about how he and Micah helped Miss Kelly at church: I workin' real hard with daddy. I a workin' man. Daddy too. 

Mom! I pee on my poop! (In potty)

First independent meal prayer: Aaaaamaaan!

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