Saturday, September 24, 2011

Kicked my butt

I just finished preparing for the Sunday School lesson I'm going to teach in the morning, and it totally kicked my butt.  I need to practice what I'm about to teach.  The curriculum says, "Explain that worrying and being afraid is the opposite of trusting God."  I know this, but can always use the reminder!
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?  Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matthew 6:25-26

It also talks about the scripture that says God knows exactly how many hairs are on my head.  (And let me tell you that number just changed because I was playing with my hair while preparing the lesson and I accidentally pulled out a whole bunch of pieces!)  So if he knows the continually changing number of hairs on my head, he obviously knows my concerns, what I need, what I want, what scares me, what makes me nervous.  And he doesn't want me to worry.  He wants me to TRUST.

I typically sing little D to sleep, and a frequent song I sing is an old one I know from a Psalty video I watched as a kid.  Anyone a Psalty fan?  Some guy dressed up in a big blue song book costume...

Anyway, here are the lyrics.  Simple.  Important.  Trusting.

I cast all my cares upon you.
I lay all of my burdens down at your feet.
And anytime I don't know what to do,
I will cast all my cares upon you.

The lesson actually addressed this as well.  How do we cast?  We pray.  "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let you requests be made known to God." Phillippians 4:6

Thursday, September 22, 2011

5 pound wonder

Last night I got to do this...

(look closely - he's sticking out his tongue!)

Yea!  Micah's sister Martney had her baby.  I knew about his birth a little after 6 am, but I had a class after work and couldn't get there until 7:30. It was killing me!  He's so precious.  Cohen David Huber.  Welcome baby, we love you!

Daddy Eric, Mommy Martney, and Baby Cohen

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The piece of paper I had to buy online was a fishing license.  And because of the rain on Sunday we didn't even fish...but when Micah saw fishing poles in our car before we left on Friday, he guessed that we were going to my parent's time share in Branson.  Ha!  No!  I love when he guesses wrong on surprises!  We went to Wildlife Prairie State Park outside of Peoria, and stayed in this caboose.

We also went on a long fun hike - one of my favorite things to do is walk on nature trails.  It just makes my body and soul feel refreshed!  Here are some of the shots we took.

The first morning we were there I saw a daddy long leg spider and I was so excited.  Yes, you read correct, I was excited to see a huge spider.  It instantly reminded me of the summers when I worked at Timerpointe Outdoor Center, a camp for people who have special needs.  We saw daddy long legs all over that camp (even in our shower!) so they have become a sweet memory to me.  And this weekend was full of camp like opportunities!  No restaurants or shopping, just being in nature, grilling out, walking through God's beauty, and seeing his creatures up close.  Look at these...I never realized wolves are so big!  These guys got super close to us, and they seemed like sweet dogs.

Micah caught these two bald eagles looking straight at him - so cool!

We need to get away like this more often!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Three year anniversary surprise!

In an hour or so I will be taking Micah to a surprise weekend getaway that I have planned for our anniversary.  I am so excited!  Still got a few things to pack, and I'm waiting for him to get off work...

I'll give you a hint.  I had to get online to pay for and print off a piece of paper that is necessary for the weekend.

I'll update when we get back!

Here are some pics from when we first started dating. :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Oh good!

Here is a sample of the random conversations I have with my husband.  On the way home from Peoria tonight:

Micah: Hey.
Me: What?
Micah: I love you.
Me: Oh good, I thought you were going to say you wanted a van.

The slight connection in my brain was that right before this we were trying to figure out if two kids in the van in front of us were playing or hitting each other...

Thank you Micah for loving me with all my weirdness.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cool happiness

Three things.  1) Baby boys wearing new fleece jackets are most adorable!   2) Walks with our little guy and dog in the crisp cool air are so refreshing and rejuvenating.  3) Check out the precious hands of our little D, clinging to his blanket during his stroller ride!

I love this weather!  Thank you God for this season!  17 more days until it is officially Autumn.