Monday, October 24, 2011


Why, when I was hired to teach academics, do I spend more energy and time making and implementing behavior plans than I do writing my lesson plans?

Why do I so often work late or bring work home, and still can't manage to get a free weekend without yet again bringing work home?

Why do so many kids play video games way more than they would even think about playing board games?

Why do I wake up tired from my exhausting dreams of real life experiences?

Why do I worry, when God says don't?

How does my love and attachment for this baby boy keep growing every day?

What did I do with my evenings before he came along?

How does my husband put up with all my worrying, and how much I need to talk about it?

Why is God so patient with me?

Why do I crave quiet?

Why do I have so many to do lists?

How many days until Christmas?

Will I be able to relax over Christmas break?

Why do I analyze?

Why can't I just be?

Lord, help me trust you.

I try.

Every day I try, fail, and try again.

"When you have done everything, stand."

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