You did it! You helped us really make a difference.
Here's our final stash from last week...
plus another bag and box that we picked up
on the way to make our great delivery!
Silas was beyond excited!
Our first stop was Children's Home and Aid. They help out foster families and homeless families. The receptionist kept repeating "thank you." She was so grateful.
Both of the boys got involved in carrying boxes. This makes me melt!
Teamwork between brothers...
I really didn't do much myself.
They were all about it!
Proud of "helping all those babies."
And then on to the big one, the place where he has spent countless hours visiting his birth family - The Baby Fold. When we pulled into this parking lot he instantly said, "I remember this place. I played on the big dinosaur." And he really truly did!
We hadn't been in this building in almost two years. Yet he remembered his caseworker, and he knew exactly how to get to the visiting rooms. He literally led us there, up to the security doors and down the hallway. He knew where to take a left to get to the visiting rooms, and started heading toward the biggest one (their favorite), which was currently in use, so we turned into this room...
He immediately started playing with toys that he recognized. Within two minutes he got out one particular toy and his caseworker said that he and his siblings had played with it very often. He even brought up their names, which I think made his caseworker's heart glad. I am so very glad that we added the visiting room to our outing. It really helped him understand everything more. Tomorrow we are meeting up to play with his siblings again. I wonder if he will make any more connections,
even though he has seen them often for years.
When I first picked the boys up from the sitters that day, I handed him a photo album and pointed out the pictures throughout it that showed his siblings and his birth mom, on different days they had visited at The Baby Fold. I wanted him to make the connection when he saw the entry way and the visiting room. Of course he could tell me his siblings names in each picture, but he couldn't remember his birth mom's name when I pointed out her picture. BUT the day after our delivery, I showed him another picture of her, in a different picture album. And he immediately told me her name! We are getting somewhere! He was also very struck by the fact that he helped people. Literally the day after the deliveries he asked me, "When can we do that again?" I love his heart.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for making this a wonderful experience. We could not have done it without your donations. And it wasn't just great for us...those diapers and wipes will be used quickly, by people who truly need them. To God be the glory!