Monday, June 9, 2014

Just a little crazy

This morning I felt like I was in a multi-tasking challenge.  I had sent Silas to time-out for telling me never to talk to him again, while Levi was refusing to finish nursing.  Eventually I put Levi down so I could pump what he didn’t eat.  Silas kept popping his head out of his room and asking “peas me come out now?” and Bella was barking and hopping around because she needed to be taken outside.  Levi fussing, me pumping, Silas asking to come out, Bella barking and hopping.  It felt a little chaotic but it got worse.  Soon I found out why Levi had been so fussy – he had what I call a volcanic poop.  The kind you have to change as soon as you hear them explode or you might have to change more than his diaper.  About this time Silas again asked if he could come out and when I said no he replied, “I don’t want to come out ever again!” I hoped that “ever again” would last five minutes so I could take care of the craziness surrounding me.  I hurried up and finished pumping, while continually telling Silas he couldn’t come out yet, all the while trying to figure out what my next move should be.  I went over to Levi and saw this…

That is a tame picture.  Be glad I am not posting what it looked like once I removed his shirt!  Well once I saw that the damage was already done and it would be a process to clean, I decided to take Bella outside.  I figured that I could make things a little less complicated by removing the barking dog from the equation.  So I took her out and the little stinker did NO business – she just ate grass.  I brought her back inside, and started to tackle the challenge of changing Levi.  Before I got his shirt off, my phone rang.  It was our pediatrician calling me back and I didn’t want to miss the call.  I thought I had poo on my left hand, so I answered with my right.  Now…nurse on the phone, poopy baby smiling at me, Silas sitting right there watching since I had told him he could get out of his room.  I soon saw that this clean up would need to include a bath, so after I hung up I asked my little helper Silas to get the baby bathtub and put it in the regular bathtub.  Then I got the bath water ready, while singing a song I made up, entitled, “Please don’t pee on me, Levi.”  I normally have everything ready and take off his diaper at the last second to avoid him peeing on me, but there was no choice this time.  Then I set him on our bed for less than ten seconds so I could prep one more thing, and when I walked back to him he was displaying a lovely fountain that had no place to land but on our bed.  I guess I should have sung, “Please don’t pee on our bed, Levi.”  Next time.  Peeing on our bed was extra special because an hour earlier I had stripped the sheets and comforter to wash them.  He had spit up on our bed a few days prior and I had been so tired that I just scooted over and tried not to sleep in it.  Gross, I know, but it’s my reality.  I was proud of myself for remembering the old spit up this morning, and washing everything.  My great initiative provided him a new opportunity to pee on our mattress cover, thus another load of laundry to run.  At this point I just laughed.  Laughed, laughed, laughed.  Did all of that really happen in a matter of minutes?  But we made it!  Then we celebrated by putting Levi in my new ergo baby carrier and taking Bella for a walk!  It was great to get out of the house!
People have asked if I am enjoying my summer.  I really, really am.  I am so glad that my job allows me to be a stay-at-home-mom during June and July.  I get smiles, and funny quotes, and coos throughout the day.  I get, "I wuv you mom" and "mom, he smiled at me!" and "I want to snuggle you mom." My heart bursts with joy.  But I’m also glad when my two little bundles take naps at the same time so that I can blog instead of cleaning the kitchen like I should be doing right now.  

Love my miracle boys!  God so obviously placed them together.  They love each other so much.  Just look...

Look closely - Bella is in this one. :)