Monday, December 16, 2013

Look What The Lord Has Done!

I was excited the second I woke up today.  That tightness-in-the-chest excitement that a five year old feels on Christmas morning.  Before being fully awake, I immediately smiled with the realization of…it's adoption day!

The surreal moment of standing before the judge 
who has been a huge part of our journey!

Both sides of the family - all smiles!

Living room, transformed!

His birthday is in two days, so our family 
had a party with two wonderful purposes.

Showing Silas the adoption photo book I made him.

I teared up today on the stand, when a lawyer asked me questions like, "How do you feel about this boy?" and "How has your extended family accepted him?" and "Will you feel different about him and your biological child?" Those questions feel odd because...he is just my son!  He's always belonged in our lives.
This whole day has been kind of surreal.  Maybe because he has already been our son for so long.  But we will taste of some new freedoms.  The first is that I can finally post pictures of Silas online.  Because he is truly, in every way, OURS!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Silas' November Quotes

When trying to get him to go to the table for dinner:
Me: You think I can get to my chair before you get to yours?
Silas: No. I gwab yours leg!

Ummm…prob-be nnnnot!

Come on gacket! (trying to put on jacket)

Kelly: What is your favorite dessert?
Silas: Back!
Me: Black?
Micah: Chocolate?
Silas: Yeah!

Kelly: You get to practice waiting. 
Silas, while clapping: Yeaaaaa!

Walked into Kelly's house, saw a shag rug, immediately ran to it, laid down, and rubbed his arms on it: I wike dis.  I wike dis a lot!

Silas: I wanna cookie. 
Me: Finish your food. 
Silas: My tummy hurtin'.
Me: Do you think a cookie would make your tummy hurt?
Silas: No, it make it betterrrr. 

Pwease me have some?

Rubbing his nose on my nose...
Me: What are you doing?
Silas: Somepin.
Rubs again, really hard. 
Silas: Somepin on your nose.  (Picks it off)
Me: What is it?
Silas: Smiles and shows me..."a boogie!"
Me: You wiped your nose on my nose!?!

Me: Don't touch it!
Silas: No me going to.  I walkin' over it.

Carrying a box over his head, walking around the house…
Silas: It rainin'.  You need get under da rainbow.
Me: Oh, is the box the rainbow?
Silas: Yeah!
Me: Does the rainbow keep you dry?
Silas: Yeah! Oh!  I need take box to truck.
Me: Why?
Silas: To work!

Lots of yelling from other room:
Silas: Go!…Go!…Me no happy!…Go!
Me: Why were you yelling?
Silas: There's a rabbit!
Me: A rabbit?
Silas: Yeah!  In the (Christmas) tree.
Me: Oh!  Tell Bella, she'll take care of it.
Silas: Whispers in Bella's ear, "There's a sqwerl.  And a bird."
Next thing we know, Bella is running around the tree and two ornaments are on the ground.

Five hours later…
That sqwerl not on tree anymore.  Ran away to somebody's house.  On her tree.

When helping Micah put the crib together, he looked at me and said, "I makin' yous bed, baby!" (got that one on camera!)

Micah: Silas, turn your listening ears on.
Silas: schewwww (turning motion with hands next to both ears)
Micah: Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3! Silas, are your ears on?
Silas: Yeah!
Micah: What did I just say?
Silas: I don't know!