I have been reading the book of Joshua lately, and really getting into it. It's one of the books of the Old Testament that should seriously become a movie. So many wonderful action scenes! In chapter 3, verses 3 and 4 say, "When you see..the Lord your God...follow...Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before." You can bet that I underlined those words as soon as I read them. How often am I led somewhere that I have never been before? In this case it was a place, but many times it is a new challenge, or experience that scares me, in which I literally have to just put one foot in front of the other because there is no other option but to walk forward. Sometimes this "way" is a place in my heart, where I need to forgive, or let go, or be joyous in circumstances, or simply let myself freely enjoy a blessing.
I just really like that - When you see the Lord, follow, so you know which way to go, because you have never been this way before.
About 10 years ago a precious lady spoke to a large group and something she said has come back to my mind so often. She said that God does not give us a huge light to see way down the path of our future. He gives us "a lamp unto our feet" (Psalm 119:105). Just enough to see the next step, maybe the next few steps. He wants us to trust him, and we need to trust him. Because we don't know where we are going. But he does.
He does! And he is in control. That is beyond comforting. I sure love my Jesus.