Saturday, June 8, 2013

It's getting better!

Today's potty training stats:
- 2 times in underwear
- 9 times in the potty!!!!

And two of those times he actually stopped playing (while outside no less!) and told me he needed to go!  My little boy is growing up!  I'm so proud!  Now if we can just get over the fear of the big toilets in public restrooms...

Also, in unrelated stats, he killed at least 4 bugs today.  If you need any assistance in that area, he's your guy.  However, yesterday he said, "excuse me bug" when one was on the slide with him.  Doesn't quite line up, does it?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Everything you need to know about potty training (not really)

If you gauged a person's favorite hang out place by how much time they spend there, this would be mine.

These are the top 10 things you need to know about potty training, especially if you're doing it with underwear instead of pull-ups:
1. You're probably going to get peed on, and you'll most definitely touch pee.  (Silas has started to say, "No pee on you mommy.  Walk away.")
2. You'll need a special place to put all the soiled clothes, because there is no doubt that they'll pile up...I have a whole load in my washing machine right now.
3.  If you have a boy, one area of your bathroom floor is going to get washed way more than it usually does.
4.  When you tell your child there's a new reward they can earn if they go pee, they might think you really mean, "pee in your pants in exactly one minute and you'll get three raisins."
5.  Playing outside is not nearly as scary as playing on your new carpet.
6.  Have your child wear rubber sandals, because once he pees on two pairs of old tennis shoes you only have the good shoes left.
7.  Remain clam.  Say "oops," smile, and clean him up again even if you feel like pulling out your hair.
8.  You might start looking forward to bedtime because then he'll wear a diaper and you will be safe.
9.  If your child pees while standing at the back door and you pick him up and run him inside to the bathroom, remember to shut the door behind you.  Otherwise your dog might run outside because she wants to jump the fence, and you and your spouse might be chasing her around the tree until one of you catches her.  Meanwhile your child will be running in your house without pants.  Hypothetical of course.  Or it could have happened to us a few hours ago.
10.  When your child poops in the potty at 6:00 p.m. after a long day of changing his wet pants...well that my friends, is nothing but pure victory!

There are some more things I've learned, but that pretty much sums it up.  Also, this song is our new anthem.  Found it on youtube today and Silas loves it.  Seriously loves it!  "The Potty Song"

P.S. Thanks to the grandparents for being excited every time Silas calls to tell you he went in the potty.  I think it might be his favorite reward!