I noticed tonight that Silas had some greenish-yellow discharge coming out of his eyes. I wiped it really good, and watched to see if it would reappear. It did. I had a strong feeling that it was pink eye. So we ate dinner (late by the time we got home from an appointment) and then packed up a bag of toys, diapers, wipes, and water to take to Prompt Care. A third of the way there I realized I was wearing slippers. Oops. And oh well. Silas feel asleep in the car, and I was thinking about how I was messing up his night of sleep, and wishing I could just go to his pediatrician, who I trust much more than other doctors. Just sayin' - sometimes they misdiagnose him.
I got to Prompt Care at 7:26, and they had closed at 7:00. Nothing else I could do, but wait until tomorrow, and take him to his pediatrician. But since I was near a large chain store that I hate (those who know me well know which one it is!), I broke down and went there, so I could at least get him a cold mist humidifier, in hopes that it would help him feel better.
Guess who was ringing the Salvation Army Bell? HIS PEDIATRICIAN!!! Can you even believe that? He recognized me and asked how we were doing. I sighed and said, "Well, we just went to Prompt Care and they are closed." He asked what was going on and I replied that I was hoping he didn't have pink eye. He said "let me take a look," and quickly confirmed it. He asked if I just wanted to treat it there, and my wonderful pediatrician introduced me to his family and then walked up to the pharmacy and wrote a prescription for Silas!
Now, I knew I had the best pediatrician in town, but seriously?!? It would have been completely acceptable for him to say, "if it's not better in the morning, come see me." But no. He really cares about his patients.
And just in case I was wondering if God was concerned with my life details...he is. I mean really, that encounter tonight could not have been more perfect for our need.