I just finished working on these. Two coats of stain down,
two coats of polyurethane to go!
Here's my finished pile, with the "to do" pile on the right.
Wow, all my hours working this summer and it doesn't seem like I've accomplished much! The doors are my least favorite, because of the design that takes more time to cover, and also because when I've finished four coats of really smelly fumes, I am reminded that in 24 hours I get to flip the door over and start on the other side!
BUT...I am happy that I can help, since Micah has done so much in our basement. Sometimes my iPod and I have a pretty good time working, singing and praying as I work. Some of you have gotten much prayed over you as a result of this remodeling.
Sanding is serious work!
I guess when I look at this "old" finished pile,
I can see that there has been a little bit of progress.
I wonder if that's how God feels when he's
working on us and our imperfections?
Before that we primed...
and had to get creative in using every last drop!
We painted with the help of Micah's dad...
and our little man!
So that's the update. I have now become realistic since we're doing most of this ourselves and end up only having 1 or 2 full days that Micah can work on the basement each month...I'm thinking the goal for a finish date is Christmas?!?